The video below covers the outrageous racial and anti-semitism acts from college campuses around the country and the overall lack of patriotism.
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- by Corky Goldstein
- Filed under CBS 21 - Video Analysis, Corky's Video Blogs, In the News.

About Corky Goldstein
Attorney Corky Goldstein has been a radio and TV commentator on all issues in the law for many years on his own shows. He also frequently appeared on Court TV, “It’s Your Call With Lynn Doyle,” produced in Philadelphia and shown nationally, and on “Comcast Newsmakers” for the PA Bar Association. One client put it best, “If I have any legal concern on any issue at all, I sit down and talk to Corky and get his input. His experience and competency in the law cannot be matched.” Another client said,: “Corky knows everybody, particularly all of the people involved in the criminal justice system.”
1 comment
Comment by Melvin T. Johnson
Melvin T. Johnson March 13, 2015 at 6:19 pm
Thank you so much for your insight into the recent racial, religious and patriotic misdeeds at the various campuses we have read about in the past few days. The matters you describe are not new and shroud our entire society in the United States. I feel your current indignation. However, most citizens of color have been conscious of, and victims of race bating, discrimination and other forms of persecution all of our lives. As one who has lived though the so called “civil rights area” and for those who believe that it is over, should know better. Most of us know that we still have a long way to go before equity and other forms of equal treatment are gained. Hopefully comments such as yours will sound the wake-up in the hearts and mine of many in this community. Parents can teach love and respect for others to our children. Others, some of who have been the instigators’ of discrimination, will realize that we must live “together” in peace or exist in constant fear and turmoil. It really begins in the heart and exemplifies itself in positive action. I will continue to work and pray for this community to find love for one another in our daily walk, for all of its citizens.